What is a Silver Soul?

Have you ever heard of the concept of Golden or Indigo Children? There are many people talking about children these days being born with a new level of awareness, pure and connected to the collective conscious. Last week, one of my coaches brought up that she believed that I was a Golden Child. Her statement quite literally blew my mind. I hadn't ever considered the thought of being a Golden Child as I was not aware of the term, though a few months ago I received this internal knowing that I had a Silver Soul. I'm feeling called to share what this means to me, as I feel it might apply to a lot of you, too. 

I've been on a mission to figure out what this idea of being a Silver Soul means to me. It has become increasingly clear to me over the past few years that I was put on a lightning path to heal and serve in this lifetime. To uncover my true purpose, get out of my own way, heal my traumas, and serve to my highest calling. Do you feel that, too? My earliest memories are of being 4 years old, teaching the kids at day care how to do things I knew how to do. Before I knew it, I was organizing the neighborhood kids and running after school spelling lessons and math tutorials because I thought it was fun! I have always felt pure in my desire to help.

To be totally honest, I believe we are all born pure. I've been working with kids consistently for about 12 years, and if there is one thing that I know about kids, it is that at their core, they are little lights that just want to shine. They want to help you, and are always willing to do the best they can with the skills, knowledge and resources they have available to them. Newborn babies, toddlers, and elementary school kids in particular. They are so innocent, so pure, so open and receptive. Sometimes life gets in the way of us staying connected to that pure light, our inner child, our true self. When stress or trauma occurs, our bodies go into fight or flight for protection. We learn to disconnect so we can block out the pain, and the blocks build up. We burry ourselves deep below unconscious layers of worries, fears, stress, judgements, and beliefs that don't get us anywhere. We feel stuck, helpless, and lost. That being said, I think that that purity, innocence, and receptivity still exists within us all. We are all connected to the collective consciousness, which is all light at its highest form, which means we can uncover that light again doesn't it? According to theories on projection is perception, we can only see it in kids because it exists within ourselves (if this doesn't make sense, let me know and I will write another blog post on the topic!).

Deep down, I know we all have a Silver Soul. Its in there somewhere.  It is not our fault we burry ourselves do deeply. We are still evolving and learning how to handle these blocks and don't know how to release the effects of our flight or flight response at an unconscious level yet. We are just now learning about how the brain and our unconscious minds function. In my opinion, only difference between the newer generation of conscious children and generations past is the evolution of the learnings that belong to our collective consciousness. As the human race grows and evolves, so do our conscious and unconscious processes like forming beliefs, learning, releasing pain, learning to live lighter, etc. As we deepen our own awareness and spread what works for us to those who are ready to hear it, we will shine light on those dark spaces. We will gain new tools for healing, and we will peel back the layers. We can get in touch with the parts of ourselves we have lost and return to wholeness. It is already possible, there are many tools and modalities of healing that really work (let me know if you are ready for some). It's just a matter of making talking about this weird consciousness and pain stuff normal. We have to get over the fact that this all exists and commit ourselves to healing and achieving the best possible outcome in this lifetime. 

This is where I came up with the phrase "Silver Soul". A Silver Soul is someone who is aware of the fact that they are here to serve. They hear their inner voice calling them to shine their light regardless of the outcome. They are here to learn and remember to heal themselves, and therefore the world we live in. They stay present, focused, and aligned so they can help themselves and others. They see the silver lining in everything and every one. They are here to serve their purpose, reach their highest potential, and live an amazing abundant life. They live to heal and be healed, and they are ready to get out of their own way so they can stand into their light.

So why silver and not gold? While I do have a deep love for gold, silver has always been synchronistically present in my life. Ever since childhood. My dad was always fascinated by the healing properties of silver. Here are some things that stand out to me:

  • Of all the metals, silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity known, in fact it has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity known for any material.
  • It is strong, malleable and ductile, and can endure extreme temperature ranges.
  • Silver is also able to reflect light very well (more info here). 

Now think about these definitions as they pertain to the quality of someone's soul (or being, higher self, true self, spirit, etc. depending on what works for you). Silver Souls are conduits for healing. They are meant to shine their light, to hold up loving and healing mirrors to shine light on the darkness around us. Silver Souls are healers, teachers, therapists, coaches, spiritual leaders, energy workers, mothers & fathers, sons & daughters, basically everyone that is out there influencing others in positive ways.

One thing to keep in mind: Silver Souls are shiny by nature, and also  need to be cleansed and polished, loved and recognized in order to keep shining. It is up to us to hold each other up. To clean each other off, to give and receive loving feedback to let our souls continue to grow and evolve for the benefit of ourselves and others. 

I share this with you in hopes that I can talk to that part of you who knows what your purpose is. The world needs you to be you. The only time is now. There were parts of me that ignored my Silver Soul for a long time, even though I always knew it was there.  I pray that you learn as fast as you are meant to, and you choose to stay in alignment with your truest you.

Now, I leave you with a few questions to ponder. 

1. Based on what you read above, do you believe you are a silver soul?

2. If yes, are you standing into your light?

3. What is your soul calling you to do that you are not doing? Who are you being called to be that you are not being? 

4. Are you ready to do whatever it takes to heal yourself and share your light with the rest of the world?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I invite you to consider what actions you need to take next. Get clear on what you want, why you want it, and stay focused. If you need support, my Silver Soul is ready to help awaken and strengthen yours! On my path, I have picked up many tools and resources and I being continuously called to share them with you.  I am happy to guide you on this path any way I can. I've come to realize that I am a golden child with a silver soul, and I have a feeling you are too.

Regardless of what you take away from this blog, I pray that you shine your light, that you take action to live a life beyond your wildest dreams and stay focused on empowering your soul to step into it's true calling. 

If you are not sure what to do next, let's talk! Let's help each other and this world heal for real. 

With Light & Love,



Sources - click below to read more!

Golden Children

Properties of Silver